Thursday, 17 May 2012

Best Practices : Important HTML Tags

Here are some of the most important html tags for you to consider in optimization.

Title Tag


Choose a title which best describes your website. It should be 60-65 characters long, as this will be displayed in search results page by Google.

 Header Tags – H1,H2,H3,H4,H5,H6

<h1>Most Important</h1>
<h2>Second Most Important</h2>
<h3>Third Most Important </h3>
<h4>Forth Most Important </h4>
<h5>Fifth Most Important </h5>
<h6>Sixth Most Important </h6>

The h tag defines the heading in html. h1 is most  important one, and should always be used for the title of the page. The second most important is h2, the third – h3 and so on, they should then be used to define sub headings, or sections on a page in order of importance. Usually web pages won’t go beyond the <h3> tags as they will instead feature multiple <h2> tags, providing that the sub headings are of equal importance.

Bold OR Strong


These tags are also used to help emphasize more important keywords on your webpage to the search engines.


<img src=”picture.jpg” alt=”keyword” />

To tell search engines what your image is, you need to include the “alt” section of the code. The “alt=” section of the code is what a search engines will actually be indexing and help to get good ranking in Image searches. Just make sure your images’ keywords are placed on the webpage.


<a href=”” title=”keyword”>keyword</a>

Hyperlinks are a key element and play a vital role in search engine optimization; with the amount of links and the anchor text that is being used have a large input in how relevant search engines find your site to be to a particular key phrase.

Hyperlink (No Follow Variant)

<a href=”” title=”keyword” rel=”nofollow”>keyword</a>

The nofollow tag in conjunction with a robots.txt file can prevent Search Engines from indexing pages on your website. As hyperlinks increase the referred page’s ranking, there are times that you may wish to use no-follow links, such as when you place paid advertisements on your webpage.

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